Monday, March 8, 2010


Cook islands.

A bit of everything.

The perfect morning, to bad i had work.

Clean summer swell.

Beau Davis.
I looked through all of my pictures this afternoon and im and stoked on some of the shots i found that i did not know i had, above are some of the shots i found. Also if you check you will find a few more that i found.

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About Me

My photo
Photography has become a great passion of mine, and one day i hope to be as good as Clark little,Phil Gallagher, Trent mitchell and Ben Lee, i am setting my goals very high in the hope that i can achieve something close to what these guys do. But in the meantime i am just trying to learn as much about photography as i can while working and having fun.I am not just some kid who picked up a camera and said im a photographer, my dad has taken photos for his whole life which is a major reason why i picked up a camera. surf photography may be my main focus at the moment but i love all areas of photography.
