Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunny coast kids.

Joey Orme.
Steven Venn.

For the last couple of weeks id come home from work or surfing and just check Ben Lees blog in hope of seeing some perfect shots of the North shore, i was also hoping for a picture of joey on a massive pipe bomb so when i saw the above shot i was stoked, its weird how so much talent comes from sunshine coast, must be something to do with trying master bodyboarding in the terrible conditions so when you get a chance to hit the good stuff you can really launch off that section or ride deeper in that pit and just surf a whole lot smoother. Anyway congratulations to Joey Orme for making it to the second round and Drew Innocend making it through many rounds.
All shots above by Ben Lee. Make sure you check his blog and website.

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About Me

My photo
Photography has become a great passion of mine, and one day i hope to be as good as Clark little,Phil Gallagher, Trent mitchell and Ben Lee, i am setting my goals very high in the hope that i can achieve something close to what these guys do. But in the meantime i am just trying to learn as much about photography as i can while working and having fun.I am not just some kid who picked up a camera and said im a photographer, my dad has taken photos for his whole life which is a major reason why i picked up a camera. surf photography may be my main focus at the moment but i love all areas of photography.
